Most of the website owners give priority to search engine ranking instead of providing quality information to the visitors, which is wrong. This approach of the website owners is the main thing because of that maximum number of websites gets penalized whenever new search engine updates is announced. Actually, the SEO professionals always prepare their SEO strategy keeping in mind the SEO updates instead of website visitors.
Hence, they need to change their SEO strategy whenever new changes are made. I think that very few sites would get in trouble with search engine updates if they stop thinking so much about the new algorithm updates. And, I have experienced this thing. As long as you give priority to your website visitors over search engines, you get good result without any worry. But, giving priority to the visitors doesnt mean you start posting copied content from other websites.
If you do this, you will have to bear the consequences. As a SEO professional, you should make a balance between your visitors need and search engine rules and regulations. Always check whether the content posted on your site is unique or not. Is it fulfilling the requirement of your visitors or posted only to get to ranking? If you keep in mind these things, you will always get top ranking in search engines as well as quality traffic.
Thats why it gives top ranking to the websites that are promoted by the highly experienced SEO professionals of Search Rank India. When you give priority to the search engine over your visitors, you start heading towards trouble as you do everything (good or bad) to get top ranking in search engine results pages.
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